Wednesday, November 30, 2016


While you quickly hit the site and head to their FAQ, you may want to ask yourself who are the founders of this scheme?

There is no other information out there, but apparently there are 5 more people on the management team called:  “5 Horsemen”.
Who these people are, is still mystery.
Maybe when the company gets going, we will see the entire managemnet team.

Do you know that Rampel on the other hand has launched similar companies in the past?

In 2013, he was the co-owner of Belizers which is a $10 and $25 investment deal that promised a 150% ROI…
This company is long gone now.

The next one on the list came out in 2015 called Fast cash Cyclone which again collapsed.It was one of those Ad-Credit companies.

Now in 2016, Gerhard has Crowd Rising.

The Products

Crowdrising has no products. Which is not a good step at all. It only has to do with donating money and that is it.

Compensation Plan

Like all network marketing companies, you get paid when you refer people in the business…
Here affiliate pay $20 to get a position in their 5×10 matrix…
A 5×10 Matrix has a total of 12,207,030 positions…
To be qualified to earn commissions, you have to gift your $20 to your sponsor then 5 spots pop up below you…
Once their first 5 spots are filled up, they have to gift another $40 to their sponsor…
This is what that looks like:
Level 1 – gift $20 to your upline and receive $20 from five subsequently recruited affiliates
Level 2 – gift $40 to your upline and receive $40 from 25 affiliates
Level 3 – gift $60 to your upline and receive $60 from 125 affiliates
Level 4 – gift $100 to your upline and receive $100 from 625 affiliates
Level 5 – gift $200 to your upline and receive $200 from 3125 affiliates
Level 6 – gift $300 to your upline and receive $300 from 15,625 affiliates
Level 7 – gift $400 to your upline and receive $400 from 78,125 affiliates
Level 8 – gift $500 to your upline and receive $500 from 390,625 affiliates
Level 9 – gift $700 to your upline and receive $700 from 1,953,125 affiliates
Level 10 – gift $990 to your upline and receive $990 from 9,765,625 affiliates

They prepaid a video as guide. click here to view

To become an affiliate,  you most purchase at least one position in the matrix for $20

The truth

Lately, I noticed a lot of these cash gifting companies are popping up.

For me, I would stay away from companies like this.

Sure you might make a quick buck buy recruiting people in this type of business, you know this is a scam but you are recruiting people in this business!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016


If you happen not to know about them, then most likely you are not in a country eaten up by hardship and recession. With the increase number of such schemes, it becomes particularly important that there is a compilation of all them and the need for a third party to review in clear terms these High yielding 'investment' plans.

At first it was a month kinda style of investment. It will amaze you to learn that some now promise returns in minutes.

We will genuinely review all of them one after the other. We will tell the truth and just the truth.

Thank you.